
Welcome to (virtual) reality

Apollo 11 VR and the Future of Education

The first moon landing was a proud and exciting day in the United States’ history and, until a few days ago, was something I’d only read about in history books.  Continue reading “Apollo 11 VR and the Future of Education”

My Thoughts on vTime

While browsing the Oculus Home I came across a VR experience called vTime. The program was described as a social experience, allowing users to from all over the world to meet and chat with each other. Since I always love talking with other VR enthusiasts, I decided to give it a try.  Continue reading “My Thoughts on vTime”

Thoughts on CV1

Sitting in a glass case in front of me was the CV1, the newest version of the Oculus Rift. The design was sleek, much smaller and more aesthetically pleasing than the DK1 or 2, which I didn’t think possible.  Continue reading “Thoughts on CV1”

Virtual Hands

I was set to give a presentation to a group of college freshmen on April 7th. I had figured that my new Oculus Rift would arrive in time for me to plan some awesome, new demos to show the students. When I found out that my CV1 would not arrive when I thought it would, I was left scrambling to find something that would wow the students.  Continue reading “Virtual Hands”

Virtually Impossible

“Hey you should try this really cool thing that lets you look at a room in a headset in 3D. Or space, you can look at space too. You can even go underwater and look at fish, but you’re sitting in your chair so you can breathe, obviously. But trust me, you’ll feel like your underwater. It’s awesome.” Continue reading “Virtually Impossible”

VR for Virtually Everybody

Virtual Reality has the ability to become a powerful artistic medium. But its impact could be lessened if not enough people have access to it.  Continue reading “VR for Virtually Everybody”

Sexual Assault, VR, and College Campuses

From the beginning, I’ve loved VR. As a gamer, I was beyond excited about the not-so-distant future where I could be running around in Silvermoon City (the home of the Blood Elves in World of Warcraft). But I couldn’t shake the feeling that VR was destined for something bigger. Continue reading “Sexual Assault, VR, and College Campuses”

The Female Avatar

One of my favorite games to play in the Oculus Rift is CasinoVR. This game allows you to sit at a realistic poker table and play poker and chat with other real people using the Oculus Rift.  Continue reading “The Female Avatar”

CasinoVR: Bringing the Social Experience

Recently I had a few people try the Oculus Rift and tell me their thoughts. Many agreed that while the technology was mind blowing, something important was lacking: a social element. Continue reading “CasinoVR: Bringing the Social Experience”

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